Public information workbook
Public information workbook
0 Toman

Public information (PI) in Alcoholics Anonymous means conveying the message of treatment to alcoholics who are still suffering from this disease. This is done through public information about the program of the association. We convey the message of the association by communicating with and responding to the media, schools, industry and other organizations that can publicize the nature and purpose of the association and its ability to treat alcoholics. This book will guide you in the public information process. The contents of this book show that people can organize and implement public information activities with them, as well as activities that have been successful in the case of local public information committees. It is recommended that those who for the first time undertake the task of public information at any level, district, department, group or inter-group level, central offices, read the contents of this workbook and take guidance from it. The first information committee in the association was formed in 1956 by the public service board.