Introduction of online meetings
Definition of online meetings:
Based on the fifth tradition, creating and organizing a suitable platform in the electronic and
virtual space to convey the main message of Alcoholics Anonymous to newcomers or alcoholics who
cannot participate in face-to-face meetings, which will operate according to the principles and
traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous.
In this regard, online AA is a general term and refers to meetings that are held through the
Internet - through a computer that has the ability to access this communication tool (online
So nothing is more important to AA\'s future interests than how we use this communication giant.
Many AA members use online media as a supplement to their regular meetings.
Of course, AA Online as a rule strongly recommends that members attend regular, face-to-face
meetings whenever possible.
At the same time, there are many people who are unable to attend AA meetings in person.
* Those who have hearing or movement disabilities.
* Those who live in isolated geographical areas or foreign countries and do not speak the same
* Soldiers and sailors
* Older AA members, full-time employees, and parents with young children may find it difficult
to attend meetings outside the home at certain times.